2018:whats new?

2018: WHAT’S NEW?
GENESIS: As its name implies in the Bible about origins and beginnings. It also reaches back to the beginning of time and deal with questions that we all ask: who made the world? Where did we come from? Why is there sin or suffering in the world?
It come, we saw, we celebrated and we had fun. YES, that was the year 2017. We all know how we made our own world? Where we come from? Why we are still suffering or doing sin?
Many things happened last year. Of course some were painful, others were surprising and others enjoyed, why? It was because of Honest and Dishonest.
Our Bibles in the book of Hebrews chapter thirteen versus eighteen tells us that we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things.
On the other side Thomas Carlyle reminds us to make ourselves an honest people and then we may be sure that there is one less rascal in the world.
At the University of Massachusetts, a psychologist ROBERT Feldman pledged that 60 per cent of adults LIE at least once during a ten-minute conversation.
Still a question comes to us, why are we lying, stealing and other forms of dishonest so common and part of life today?
They say, he who permits himself to tell a lie once finds it much easier to do it a second and third time till at length it becomes habitual.
He tells lies without attending to it and truth without the world believes him, this falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart and in time deprives all its good characters.
Yet again, ROBERT Innes, a professor in field of Economics at the University of California discovered that “dishonest is indeed spreadable”
In other way dishonest is the virus, the more contact you have with a person who is deceitful, the greater you risk of being “infected” with honestly yourself. We should now know that SIN has many tools, but a LIE is the handle that fits them all.
The year should be regarded and seen as the WALKING YEAR with the password or code HONEST. Have you ever wondered how dishonest can destroy trust. Why HIV/AIDS doesn’t come to an END? And mysterious things that are been engulfed the world. It is because of dishonest people or leaders.
How many relationships are built on trust? How many parents, leaders (both political and spiritual), youths, employees, and children are honest enough to be trusted?
Ephesians four versus 28 emphases us that let the one who steals steal no more, rather let him do hard work, doing good work with his hands so that he may have something to share with someone in need.
Robert Edward once said: “Don’t place too much confidence in that man who boasts of being as honest as the day is long. Wait until you meet him at night.”
Oh!! Let’s approach 2018 with the rights attitudes, open minds and heart with honest. H.O.N.E.S.T can be interpreted as
H-humble,O-open,N-neutral E-establish S-sincere and T-trust.
Honestly, if we are not careful this year, we will be same like last year. Life is serious, when you look at your life; you are just accumulating what you are not. Re exam yourself with Honest mind.
In 2018, we have to practice to be humble, been open, neutral, sincere and truthful then will establish honest. Let last year’s grudges, envy, jealousy and greediness belong to the time that has passed.
A more positive outlook is indeed for this year, this should include key aspect like economic growth, a peaceful and continuing the battle for a more equal society.
Lest walk away from individuals who deliberately put you down and any thoughts that reduce your worth and value, must not be entertained.
Christ Jesus our LORD and saviour said: “if they don’t accept you, shake off the dust and walk away from them.” Thank you so much for reading my third article in 2018 and more are coming. I wish everyone peace, love and happiness.
The Activist, Advocate and Ambassador,


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