
Showing posts from June, 2018


Caristo Chitamfya jr aka Caristo Clear THE FIFA 2018 world cup in Russia has provided a moment that will be recalled for years. The tournament has made an illustrious history after defending World Cup Champions Germany knocked out in group stage with a 2-0 loss to South Korea. Not hours ago, on the same very day, a stoppage-time box gave Zambian a shock which medical practitioners failed to capitalize on for a calamity over a son to prominent media personality Caristo Chitamfya Snr. The handsome multi-award winner radio Disc Jockey Caristo Lupupa Chitamfya Jr well known as Caristo Clear has died. Indeed, we might say are never prepared for death. It always comes as an unwelcome astonishment. According to news, TV and radio personality was involved in a road traffic accident on his way home soon after attending the Macky 2’s album launch at the Skybar in Lusaka. Indeed, we have learnt that death has no respecter of persons. It strikes down the young and the old, the


DR KENNETH KAUNDA  WHERE do I begin when I was three years in a time when Fredrick Chiluba ended Kenneth Kaunda's 27-years rule. Now 28 years down the line KK has engulfed my mind. What should I say? This month reminds me of Zambian were yearning for multiparty democracy and the one-party state was crumbling, The cathedral of the holy Cross was venue to one of the most crucial meeting in the history of Zambia when the restless young men then who were demanding change came eye-ball to eye-ball with Dr Kaunda to thrash out the agreement that ushered in the new political dispensation we now enjoy. KK is an advocate, our hero who struggled during difficult times together with his comrades for peace Zambian are enjoying today. The KK, might be judged by its cover by us young stars who were not there during that time, nevertheless, historically in tandem he and his friends they didn't design to peruse for personal gains. That's why today, I write to app


ZAMBIA is known to produce great talents in different sports especially in football but even minor sports such as Chess are not an exception. One such talent is a 26 year old, Prince Mulenga currently ranked 8 th in the country. Prince Daniel Mulenga  The iconoclastic genius whose one of the greatest chess player the country has ever seen after international Grand master Amon Simutowe and others. His therefore, currently highest rated player from Copperbelt province and credible professional coach.  Indeed, chess is truly a sport that brings people from around the world together. Prince in three months’ time he will be representing Zambia at the 43rd World Chess Olympiad to be held in the City of Batumi, Georgia.   With population about 3.718 million, Georgia is located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded to the west by the Black Sea and the north by Russia, the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan. Prin

THE STING OF DEATH: Justina Mulenga…

THEY SAY every man’s success behind there’s a woman. The success you brought into my life has been left awe and the strength and pillar of journalism has been left astonished. Indeed, I have come to understand death has no respecter of persons. It strikes down the young and the old, the saint and the sinner. Whether it is an infant or an aged parent who passes away, the shock is equally great. We are never prepared for death. It always comes as an unwelcome surprise. As for Zambia Daily Nation court reporter, comrade Justina Favour Gracious Mulenga was also known as DJ Jusse at Hone FM and Millennium FM passed away but left mark in our hearts especially in media fraternity. Many, may not have a personal encounter with Justina but nevertheless she has left a footprint in our hearts. I write with sad news, even though I would point out all what we went through during our study time and arena work. Mitch Albom reminds us that death ends a life, not a relationship. In


PASSING an exam at Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education-ZIALE is a tricky exercise: and requires a lot of hard work, one can attest to that. ANNIE Kaonga at her graduation-UNZA And history has showed us and many former students have openly confessed that the journey at ZIALE can make you think Law is stupid. A Buddhism proverb says " You are the driver of your own life, Don't let anyone steal your seat." Indeed, it through education a daughter of peasant farmer become a lawyer. As it for a former deputy head girl of Chibombo High School, who clanged to books to which she gave so much of her life forced to brave harsh weather conditions and later went at University of Zambia to study law. Today,  Annie Kaonga  has walked the talk. As one wiseman once said: " If everyone sweeps the front of his gate, the whole street will be clean." I am writing this latter using Annie as an example to all Zambian youth and across Africa. Think are you go


BEING a virgin has become the thing of the past, pitifully to most school-going children. They say if you don’t stand for something you will fall for something. This is true, immorality has engulfed our generation but also our elders of the land are posh. We all need to work together to address this issue constructively and comprehensively. Even OUR Bibles outlaw sex before marriage or outside marriage because it is a holy sin. This is very serious and sensitive issue which elders must come in and help us. Government, churches and others stakeholders need to come up with police s that will protect the future of the young people. Honestly, I won’t fear to talk about sex, the truth hurts. I would say give me truth rather than love, money or fame. Every individual has his own style, his own way of presenting himself on and off the feed. This is such a thing for me, writing for something which is incorrect. One Zambian counselor and education consultant noted the sign

2018:whats new?

2018: WHAT’S NEW? GENESIS: As its name implies in the Bible about origins and beginnings. It also reaches back to the beginning of time and deal with questions that we all ask: who made the world? Where did we come from? Why is there sin or suffering in the world? It come, we saw, we celebrated and we had fun. YES, that was the year 2017. We all know how we made our own world? Where we come from? Why we are still suffering or doing sin? Many things happened last year. Of course some were painful, others were surprising and others enjoyed, why? It was because of Honest and Dishonest. Our Bibles in the book of Hebrews chapter thirteen versus eighteen tells us that we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. On the other side Thomas Carlyle reminds us to make ourselves an honest people and then we may be sure that there is one less rascal in the world. At the University of Massachusetts, a psychologist ROBERT Feldman pledged that 60 per cent of adults LIE at least on


I WRITE when happy, I write when am sad, I write when am lonely, I write when am emotionally depressed or anxious. It is how express inside of me. Some people drink, some smoke, others say it to your face but I have found the exemption in writing. Some think am been emotion, others think I complain. Others think I let my emotion loose but I write because it’s me. Some cling quotes, poems, songs and status because they can’t write. But for me I find it easy to use the affections that others have already jotted down. The world is gloomy and depressed enough to use not everyone get the other ugly and scrambled part of you. I may not know to explain myself but give me a PAGE AND PEN I’ll let it bleed from place you can’t put a bandage on the words. I put on paper do not ironically complain a lot n how because it has taped my inner being and gazed direct into the core of my soul. I’m not depressed, I’m usually alone but I’m not a loner I vent in my words quotes and songs. It’s


DEAD PEOPLE receive more flowers than the living because regret is stronger than gratitude. Humphrey, Georgina, Walusungu and Alfred.   Yes, I take this jiffy to everyone to take the needy seriously NOT only when they are dead. We need to be alert and realize when someone needs ASSISTANCE. TODAY’S fast-paced lifestyle has made us a greedy and self-serving society. Helping someone does not mean you have to give them money. Offering a shoulder to CRY or listening to someone’s problem is the first step to RECOVERY. AS the old saying goes, when you give a man a fish, you feed him a day. When you teach how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Let’s stop ignoring those who are crying out for HELP . Alfred, Humphrey and Walusungu  IF WE continue doing so we run the risk of weakening out communities and we will have no one do support during out time of NEED. I URGE everyone to have a conscience of helping and give before someone asks you for something he/she needs. Liste


R-L: walu, mom, ceaser and sandra ceaser,mom and walu WOMEN need to be appreciated, loved and celebrated every day and in every way. This is what they deserve. Women play a huge role in life. They give birth and become mothers. They raise children and they become teachers to them. They become a shelter and a shield to their children when the storms of the world attack. Women are protectors who with a silent prayers.They fight a big fight without being physical. in the past women won fierce battles and the women of toady are continuing the struggle. They are heading successful businesses, taking part in governance and in other spaces. They are leading in churches and communities. They form part of teams that uplift our economy and improve lives. Thank you to all the women who do good things with pride and never let critism get them down. You strike a woman, you strike a rock...I was born via a woman who has left mark on my life. Thank you mom so much un


TWINS THOUSANDS of candles can be lit by a single candle, and the life of the candles will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. What’s my point here? When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. My heart often knows things before my mind does. A famous poet once wrote: “When the road you are hiking seems all uphill, rest if you must, but don’t quit.” The truth is, no situation is too difficult to be defeated. If your family background forced you to drop out of school. It then becomes your duty to devise others options that will see you escape the jaws of poverty, and begging should not be one of them. Those who knows the TRUTH learn to love it. Those who LOVE the truth learn to live it. What I am saying is, not all of us will go the school route to make it big in life. Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin boss, was not a top performer in class but he used his brains to make it big in life. Indeed, it’s not all college degree that make a wri


Walusungu Silweya 10 May  2018·  WE live in a country where in order to be successful you must follow opportunities, instead of passion. It doesn’t matter whether you are passionate about something, if it doesn’t offer enough opportunities, the chances are very slim. I have seen many graduates taking up teaching just because they cannot get jobs in their respective fields. This is worrying because graduates become teachers because they want to be employed, not because they are passi onate about the field. Are most teachers teaching because they love the field? Are they so passionate about their work that they would want to make a huge impact at the end of the day? With qualifications that aren’t even working for them, what are they going to tell their public? How are they going to motive them? Do the pupils look at their teachers and say, wow, I want to study hard because education really pays off. The value of education degrades every day when a stud


THERE is no denying football is a religion to millions across the world. The sport, played by rich and poor, has over the years provided an escape route out of poverty and its attendant for many young people. Yes! These men, some of who have gone on to become superstars earning millions, have contributed handsomely to the development and growth of the sport. But people are worshiping football of progression, over 80% of world’s population may watch a champion’s leagues match, yet is this the reason of worshiping soccer? Our acceptance of football that makes people come together implies acceptance of social life, cultural exchange or freedom but not to a degree of missing out church or praying gathering over Liverpool or Manchester United game. I am aware that many churches are were about. That aside, it enshrining that Christianity is NOT a religion but freestyle way of life. The prince of peace, the lord and our savior Jesus Christ taught us that obedience is the key not t


The activist: walusungu silweya  A smile can solve problem while silence can avoid problems. Proverbs 14:17 says “Be vigilant in the heart of anger.” Similar with sugar and salt may be mixed together but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make you better and sweater. If you fail to achieve your dreams, change your ways not your God. Remember, trees change their leaves and not their roots. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones to every dog that barks. Haters will see you working on water and say it because you can’t swim. Even if you dance on water, your enemies will accuse you of raising dust. Make it your ambition to live quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with own hands. Remember, don’t ever wrestle with a pig, you will both get dirty but the pig will enjoy. # silence


Twins: Caesar and Walusungu Silweya   WE LIVE in times in the world where great leaders are needed in all spheres of life. The world asks for effective leaderships for it to move forward positively . So that begs the questions: “Are leaders born or made?” It makes up for different opinion and interesting debate. Dr Mensa Otabil from Ghana says: “Leaders are leaders before they could start leading.” Leaders need to have a great vision to know where they are leading their organization to. A good vision is the building block for any leader. Today’s leaders should realize that it is possible to embrace leadership qualities to become great leaders tomorrow. Prospective leaders must have the seeds of leadership which can be honed and worked upon to make them true leaders. True leaders lead by example. They are role models that inspire others. They set high personal and ethical standards and demonstrate them in ACTIONS, INTENTIONS and WORDS. Staying true to a cause and a gre


IT’S common thing that people with albinism are targeted in Africa. The question would come; what do they want from them? In 2017, Malawi recorded a huge increase in the number of murders of people with albinism amid reports of criminal gangs working with parents and relatives according to CAJ news. In the same year, at least 19 individual with albinism were killed and five went missing since then crime against people with albinism, including attempted abduction and the opening up of graves in search of the bones of dead persons with albinism have been reported.. The bones are allegedly sold to practitioners of traditional medicine in the country and neighbouring Mozambique for use in charms and magical potions. There is a belief they bring wealth and good luck. The trade is also fuelled by a belief that the bones of people with albinism contains gold. Also women with albinism are too at risk of sexual violence on the basis of harmful cultural beliefs. According to activi

PAIN is temporal....

SOME PEOPLE are still suffering from the trauma of past experience. Such people have lost their confidence because their emotional wounds are still FRESH. Because of their painful past, they walk around feeling like someone has invaded their SPACE and threatened their life. This is perfectly understandable. SHOCK has a big impact on the brain and has the potential to negatively influence how it functions. This is why it is important not to dwell on your painful experience. Always try to look at the bigger PICTURE. Instead of isolating yourself, spend some time with supportive people who have a positive mindset. Give yourself a chance to heal by admitting you have a problem. That will give much BETTER results than pretending nothing happened. Talking to a mental health professional or keeping a JOURNAL might also prove useful. Life because much more difficult when you refuse to deal with your emotions properly. You can change everything in your life, but you don't ha


LIFE is much more than disability. Each and every one of us comes into this world with an assignment. What do I mean? You are born for a purpose. But there people who cannot do anything without the help of people. Indeed, once again life is like a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces come in different shape and sizes but they all have their places that only one particular piece can fit. What am trying to put across is that there people today who have massive struggle to do things like a normal person can do but because there are disabled they really fail. Honestly, they need our help and don’t ignore them. More especially those who can can’t walk, talk or sit others wear nappies. As William Shakespeare said ‘action is eloquence’, you will always be able to find someone who needs your help. I leave with u now because KINDNESS is one of the pillars of the world. Every act of kindness makes someone kinder person and benefits somewhere. THANK YOU The activist, Walus