Dear Students,

I WRITE to appeal to new students who are located or heading to tertiary institutions to further their studies to be very watchful.  

Fellow students’ a.k.a “freshers” you have now graduated from depending life when you were close to your parents and used to throw tantrums. Yes, you have flown out the comfort zone. 

You have left the nest where teachers used to spoon-feed you with facts.
Now you must be careful of older students who pretend they are kind people who wouldn’t hurt a fly.  These cunning spiders can spin a web of lies to catch innocent young women, who fall prey to their sexual desire.

There will be parties where students drinks and dance all night at various clubs. When drunk they forget to use condoms and have unprotected sex. Proverbs ten versus seventeen reminds us that he who heeds discipline shows them away to but whoever ignores corrections leads others astray.

Indeed, it is very painful for parents to send their daughter to varsity, only for her to come back home pregnant two months later. Honestly, tertiary institutions there are many temptations that can easily hook you if you are not careful.

Students use their parent’s hard-earned cash to throw parties instead of using it to buy study materials. A friend of mine from South Africa, Amos Tebeila told me that if I want to compete at varsity, I should spend sleepless nights with books than going on drinking sprees.

True, ask yourself why you come to varsity, you will be taking decisions on your own, so use money wisely and don’t throw it away on pleasure. Don’t be influenced by bad friends and lose sight of your goals and dreams.

Hard working is now, once again Proverbs chapter ten versus four tells us “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Therefore, for now concentrate on your studies and avoid leading a lifestyle you can’t afford. Make friends with students who are not blown about every wind in life.

Don’t behave like a naïve mouse chewing anything its sees. Your life is much more important that a girlfriend or boyfriend. Love is patient and can wait. Build your golden future now.
Thank you.

The Activist, Advocate and Ambassador,
walusungu silweya


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