ANGEL GABRIEL: Tied of him….

UNTIL DEATH apart him, he is the world’s oldest leader, third African longest-serving leaders, a liberation-war-hero and his holding seven degrees but he has become the ugly face of state and turned a tyrant.

The most fearful leader, 92-Year-Old, the suave, eloquent and educated stand as Robert Gabriel Mugabe alies Uncle Bob, who today it does not seem he will give up power any time soon and taking Zimbabwe with him to the grave.

They say real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. Also, it is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

Now Zimbabwe at 36, yet still one president since it gained independence from British Colonial rule on April 18th 1980 and young ones have known only one leader ANGEL GABRIEL.

Having prophesied 60-years-ago by an aged and a mysterious leader of secretive apostolic sect, who today has gone missing that Zimbabwe, would be ruled by a man with the name of an angel, Gabriel.

Madzibaba Wimbo, a 94-year-old prophet, in 1957 prophesied though no documentary evidence to prove the enigmatic that Zimbabwe would be led by a man with name of an angel Gabriel.

This is remarkably came to pass when President Robert Mugabe, whose middle name is Gabriel, took power from British. Indeed, self-rule is a tragic cocktail of squandered opportunity, shattered dreams and untold suffering. WHY? and HOW?

The pioneer of Zimbabwean nationalist politics Joshua Nkomo said the hardest lesson of his life became to him late after Zimbabwe won freedom without its people becoming free.

On the other hand, late Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, one of the African’s foremost revolutionaries warned then Prime Minister Mugabe after he inherited that he should not destroy Zimbabwe.

Now, life after 36-years in Zimbabwe under the iron grip of angel Gabriel is the already failed state, free fall into an economic and political abyss.

It’s believed that about three million people already fled Zimbabwe and more than 30,000 graduates are produced by collages and university annually but with unemployment in the formal sector hovering at 90 percent poverty has dehumanized an entire Nation.

Though, angel Gabriel’s greatest achievement was the provision of the free education. To his credit hundreds of schools and dozens of collages were built. He was also passionate about teaching; he personally taught his illiterate ministers who later got degrees.

NB: Mugabe’s Father (Gabriel Matibili Mugabe) was a Malawian.

walusungu silweya


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