Tribalism in Zambia


EVEN IF education is free the cat will never go to the school as the cat. Mollycoddle for all Zambian on how tribalism is giving out as if it not one Zambia, one Nation.

Indeed, we have wrestled several times with own tribal demons. We have never been quick to try to address the guts of tribalism and nepotism that still runs strongly through our veins. 

Too soon, we forget all contentedly that our forefathers fought for freedom, unity, and peace we endure today as they made their lonely and heartbreaking feelings during independency struggle. Yes, we have re-paid it in some cases with our open hatred, violence and in others with blind indifference more especially during elections instant. 

Ben Wattenberg once recounted that what’s real in politics is what the voters decide is REAL. We have even with our own naked eyes how voting lines indicates regionalism and tribalism in a country that paradoxically regards itself as being overwhelmingly a Christian nation.  

In a jungle lions will never mix up with cats no matter the economy of the jungle. This is our elections based on. We still far haven’t properly addressed this latent tribalism any more than we have enjoyed peace and freedom for more than 50 years of democracy. 

Christ Jesus, the prince of peace, the lord and our saviour said love your neighbour as you love yourself. Therefore, August elections, let’s do it without tribalism, just like a wise man said that if everyone sweeps the front of his gate, the whole street will be clean.

Indeed, let’s sweep out tribalism in our country with the common proverb “Together we stand, Divided we fall” Our founding father of the motherland Zambia Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda engulfed 72 tribes with the catchphrase or jingle “One Zambia, One nation”  

On the other hand, EMPLOYMENT is also single-minded or determined with tribal row. It is a humanitarian crisis of almost unimaginable proportions that has spread across the nation. You would agree with me, a number of at our various working places are been swallow up with one tribe, even speaking vernacular in direct not to listen to what they are saying. 

I ask myself, what measures does the government have put in place in order to make sure that all tribes in Zambia are been harvester for uniformly and fair. We are all one regardless of your tribe, language and province you come from. ONE love, ONE blood and ONE body. Christ for all.

Please all join me in this campaign #LetsStopTribalsm ACTION

The, Activist, Advocate and Ambassador
walusungu silweya


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