MAHATMA Gandhi once said : “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Because your Christians are so unlike your Christ..” this is so true that many Christians are so unlike Christ. 

Dear friends, I write this to you so that you will not sin. “1 Corinthians 1:25. The foolishness of God is wiser than that of men and the weakness of God is stronger than that of men. There is no shortcut to spiritual maturity unless earthly understanding gives way to spiritual enlightenment.”

Nobody is talking about the orphanages he feeds, nobody is talking about the thousands of poor people he feeds, nobody is talking about the many prophecies he got right, nobody is talking about the good he’s done for mankind.

All we see is people excited that he didn’t get one prophecy correct. Well did the same people get excited when he got a thousands of prophecies right?

Do Muslims talk against their Prophets or talk against one another like what is happening us Christians? undoubtedly no.

The founder of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Temitope Joshua, recently said his earlier prophecy on the U.S. presidential election was given different interpretation by people “on a different level” with him.

In his Sunday sermon, TB Joshua said people would need the spirit of a prophet to be able to recognize one. “We have seen the outcome of the election in America,” Mr. Joshua said in a message later posted on the church’s official website and Facebook page.

He also hinted that his reference to Hilary Clinton as eventual winner was reflected in her winning more popular votes than Donald Trump.

“Having read, you will notice that it is all about the popular vote, the vote of the majority of Americans. In this case, we need the Spirit of a Prophet to recognize a Prophet. Our levels are different. We are not on the same level.

“We might have great cathedrals, huge bells, and all kinds of activities that are good by human standards but human point of view is limited." according to his official facebook page.

Love covers a Multitude of Sin, It does not rejoice when it sees a fellow brother make mistakes” Love is a Measurement of Christian Maturity.

Our reaction us Christians including Christian leader over TB Joshua is a bad way, maybe this could seriously be a test from God.

Before we condemn, we should always make sure we see ourselves that we are perfect and that we will never make a mistake in our whole life because the world is watching the seeds we are sowing.

You point a finger to condemn someone, always remember that four of your fingers are pointing at you. Be a reason for someone’s encouragement not discouragement. We are called to be life givers, hope givers not the other way round.

God Bless You All.


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