
Showing posts from 2016


“blood is thicker than water” About The Foundation STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Lusungu Anemia Foundation is dedicated to serving people afflicted with various forms of thalassemia, most notably the major form of this genetic blood disease, anemia major. MISSION Our mission is advancing the help and cure for this fatal blood disease, enhancing the quality of life of patients and donating blood.. HISTORY It was then a student journalist in his second year at college fallen in love with a beautiful girl who was suffering from this fatal blood disease. Since then its touched him and remembering that they are people who deserve to loved just like that. Lusungu Anemia Foundation, a nonprofit organization , was formed after his name which means “mercy”. 2016 it has been a strong and supportive partner for individuals living with anemia. Although its has four members but welcomes more to join and support.. ABOUT THE FOUNDER Walusungu Silweya is a founder and y


MAHATMA Gandhi once said : “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Because your Christians are so unlike your Christ..” this is so true that many Christians are so unlike Christ.  Dear friends, I write this to you so that you will not sin. “1 Corinthians 1:25. The foolishness of God is wiser than that of men and the weakness of God is stronger than that of men. There is no shortcut to spiritual maturity unless earthly understa nding gives way to spiritual enlightenment.” Nobody is talking about the orphanages he feeds, nobody is talking about the thousands of poor people he feeds, nobody is talking about the many prophecies he got right, nobody is talking about the good he’s done for mankind. All we see is people excited that he didn’t get one prophecy correct. Well did the same people get excited when he got a thousands of prophecies right? Do Muslims talk against their Prophets or talk against one another like what is happening us Christians? undo


Andrew Hezron Phiri IN 1991, Zambia was pregnant with hope; the birth pains of new democracy dispensation had became strong. As president Kaunda’s one party rule was fast coming to an end as discontent over his 27-year hold on power swept the nation like wildfire. Not long ago at a prestigious juncture, a man with small stature weighs 42 kilograms and 1.4 feet tall has risen from the dead, who became one of the Zambia’s most charismatic leaders stand out as an inspirational tale of man’s journey from struggles to glory. A nice and handsome face, he became most well spoken student to ever walk through palatial gates of graduands at the Fourth Graduation Ceremony of the Zambia Institute of Mass Communication alies ZAMCOM. Unpredictably, his 23 year old. Flashing his right hand, speedy but majestic walk he took to the podium. But the audience thought he dead five years ago (2011), his walk to the podium edified that the statesman is risen from the dead because his wit and charm m

THE STORY: Behind Rastafari….

OF LATE, I was watching a documentary directed by Sonia Anderson and produced in 2007. Now during my childhood, if anything associated with smoking weed the first things that used to come in my mind was Rastafarian and Jamaica. Yet again, there is most noted person behind spreading message of Rastafarian via Reggie music. He still remain a figure of the 20th century, he died three-and-a-half decades ago. He was born from a white father and a bl ack mother.  He still stands as Bob Marley, his Rastafarian beliefs and life experiences shaped him and ultimately, the music revered by millions of people around the world. But, why Rastafarian? November 2, 1930, Tafari Makonnen was crowned emperor of Ethiopian with baptismal name Halie Selassie. There and then, Rastafari was derived from Halie Selassie name; it is a conflation of RAS, the title given to Amharic royalty in Ethiopia and Tafari, his pre-coronation name. Yet, Bob’s dedication and hard work to ensuring the wo


WERE are the people who used to fight against AIDS? Have they also been infected also or gone to the grave. Nowadays, we are not even advocating or fighting against it. Getting tested for HIV/aids is important for your health and future. Early detection can lead to early treatment. I read the story of an old man believed to be 80s, was allegedly given ARVs without a positive test results. He also question how could get the disease at his age. HIV/aids has no age limits. If you are faithful in your relationship, that does not mean your partner is also faithful. There are many ways to get HIV, even by coming into contact with open wounds. # LetsFightHIV /AIDS Youth-Activist Walu-B


HOW can children respect adults who want to sleep with them? Once a mature man makes a sexual more a young girl, whether she has consented to sex or not, she will lose her respect for all adult. WE all have observed some parents are failing to guide their children well.  Most of the kids are in a copy and paste lifestyle that’s inheritance from their parents. Many adults today are not afraid to talk badly about their neighbours in front of their kids. Some adults sell cigarettes, alcohol and drugs to children. Other thinks nothing of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol with their kids. Ironically, adult who introduce kids to drugs are the ones who complain to a lot about children who lacks respect or discipline. As an adult, you should be careful of what you do in front of the kids because they are copycats. Adult should behave responsibility at all times walu-B The Activist,


UNDERPAID, under-appreciated and often overlooked for that career but they play a very big role in a child's literacy development. Indeed, its takes a village to raise a child and teachers are a big part of that. That's the reason i have pitted down this note. Today, i feel to acknowledge the teachers for making a difference for producing great men and women of this world. TEACHERS are cement of this world, it is not a doubt phenomenal, because they are strong building blocks that are required for the development of a child's literacy and love of books. Once again, teachers are our second parents because i still remember my first teacher at Primary school (Ms Mwiya) and Ms Banda at secondary was my mathematics teacher. They are also good leaders, the founding father of Zambia, Dr Kennedy Kaunda's professional career was a teacher then in Chinsali northern part of Zambia. On the other leaf, Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe with seven degrees


Dear young women, I write in wondering how a person lives with herself after throwing away the seed they planted in their act of love. Honestly, its pains to learn and see a foetus been dumped, instead of abortion better to go for adoption. I think women; you are attracted to men’s flashy cars and money. You end up carrying unplanned pregnancies that end up on dump-sites like trash. My lovely dear women please be informed that dumping these innocent souls is a sin before God. Even the Bible warns against this in the book of Jeremiah. Don’t think it is finish and klaar with the babies you dump. Their existence on earth has been recorded in heavens books and you will be held accountable for murder. If you don’t want the baby, you should take it to the Doors of hope shelter in your community. Someone out there is childless and is ready to raise it. Thank you Yours Activist walusungu silweya


Dear Students, I WRITE to appeal to new students who are located or heading to tertiary institutions to further their studies to be very watchful.    Fellow students’ a.k.a “freshers” you have now graduated from depending life when you were close to your parents and used to throw tantrums. Yes, you have flown out the comfort zone.  You have left the nest where teachers used to spoon-feed you with facts. Now you must be careful of older students who pretend they are kind people who wouldn’t hurt a fly.   These cunning spiders can spin a web of lies to catch innocent young women, who fall prey to their sexual desire. There will be parties where students drinks and dance all night at various clubs. When drunk they forget to use condoms and have unprotected sex. Proverbs ten versus seventeen reminds us that he who heeds discipline shows them away to but whoever ignores corrections leads others astray. Indeed, it is very painful for parents to send their daughter


GONE are the days when one cry for love or rather pleading, but to budge on because it might cost your precious gift of life. Most of the challenges we are experiencing today are love issues, take a look of teenage pregnancy, devoice, substance abuse, hatred and others are because of FIRST LOVE. I recently had a discussion with a female friend about the “ACT OF LOVE” she told me first love is hard to go, I now understand why people who end their long-term relationships consider committing suicide.’ It’s indeed extremely hard to face such an emotional crisis, especially when you don’t have a shoulder to cry on. I urge everyone who is going through such an ordeal to bear the pain like a man and let the healing process take place. It is normal to feel angry and scared, but it so also crucial to open your eyes and see the good in your life. Surround yourself with good listeners who understand your current feelings. Drowning yourself in drugs, revenge or trying to end


SOMETIMES life closes doors for us because it’s time to move forward and that’s a good thing because we often we won’t move unless circumstances force us to do so. Anyway pain is part of growing. When times are tough, remind you no pain comes without a purpose. Everything is temporary. After darkness there always is light, nothing last forever. If thing are good right now, enjoy it. If things are bad, don’t worry because it won’t last forever either.  Worrying and complaining changes nothing. Those who complain the most, achieve the least. It’s always better to try and do something great and fail than do nothing and succeed. Don’t ever be ashamed of the scars with which life has left you. Yours scars are symbols of your strength. A scar means the hurt is over and the wound is closed. It means you conquered the pain, learned a lesson, grew stronger and moved forward. Every struggle is a step forward. In life, patience is not waiting. It’s the ability to keep up a


TWO-days before my birthday on 28th of October, 2014 in London, United Kingdom we lost the father and founder of the ruling party Patriotic Front abbreviated as PF, President Michael Chilufya Sata. This is the man who made others to be popular and rich today, his freedom to fight all the oppression and inequality that plagued our beloved country. Sata worked hard to end the tribal intolerance that still exists among Zambian. We are a democratic country but he fought for this. What are you doing to bring about change? How much of an impact are you making in someone else’s life, let alone your society. We cannot fall in our mission to give up our bad habits. Our goal is to live in love and unity. It is our duty not misbehaves, commit crime, holding grudge or to harm fellow citizens as he said at time when I heard him speaking during a press interview. Let’s use our lives to honour this late hero by conducting ourselves in a responsible manner and helping those

LOVE IS A Decision

....IF IT'S broken, don't try to fix it. Cynthia Chongo, a love coach and student teacher once said "Don't not be too quick to decide on love but be quick to know the real person." She added that anyone in life is the master planner of his/her emotions and feelings which should be used in love. At the moment, write to share something I recently learnt about "dating" .Dating sometimes can set you up in a heartache. Anyone in life, will never love and respect fully if he or she doesn't fit in a relationship. Some will only give a piece of their heart as someone is already in their heart. No matter what, you can never win. If they lie by saying their single, you will be able to tell by the way they treat you. There is someone else who is more important, someone they truly love,respect and will never let go off. They will not have time for you and won't give you enough attention. You'll get many excuse about who and why can't be


Dear our world, It's no secret that we live in challenging times, both as a country and as individuals.Most of us are going through experiences that we have no idea how to escape. World you may have brought hurt, sadness, anguish and even anger. You look gloomy and it's seems as if there is no hope for the future. It is in these trying times that we may find ourselves acting out of character and causing detrimental result. Being mean may seem like the best way to protect ourselves, because selfishness seems a way to secure survival. The danger is that selfishness doesn't solve any problems, instead it magnifies us. It is important at these times to remember what' makes us human. One of the wonderful virtues of humankind is kindness.It has proven throughout the existence of mankind to have be able to sustain people and bring hope in the darkness of times. Kindness has been used to triumph and give relief in difficult situations. We may think kind is a one way


THE PF has retained power, but how they will govern remain to be seen. Yet again, its citizens are in a state of decay. We are at a position in which morals have diminished. These elections will determine the future of our troubled country in terms of tribalism. New victors will emerge; the defeated will be relegated to the dustbins of history. We must remember that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. It was Thomas Paine who said: “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Family structures are breaking down together with the cadres that grounds children as they grow. Political structures seem to be even more powerless to produce good laws and government. Morally, we are weightless. It’s no longer an issue to lack integrity and not tell the truth when it comes to politics. Character assassination, lying and twisting the facts to make political gains have become the order of the day. We are se


….HISTORY has a tendency of repeating itself. Hakainde Hichilema can be the first one. He can lead by example and go down as a true hero. The president of UPND can demonstrate to himself, the party he leads, businesses and the Zambia of new Africa, which merged after the death of Anderson Mazoka (RIP) HH can show true leadership and vision by accepting and stepping down as a UPND leader would go down a true Africa hero. If he insists to stand in 2021, then it will be for his seventh-time, which he might lose possibly and will suffer loss polls-disease. Yes, he had put up rigorous campaigns across the country, attracting huge crowds to his rallies. He had packed stadiums and other open spaces in both town and villages. But the SIX-million voters showed him his popularity down to the ballot. Indeed, him and his people behave like crying babies. They seem to make noise about everything that happens. It’s time for the opposition parties to swallow their pride and ac

ANGEL GABRIEL: Tied of him….

UNTIL DEATH apart him, he is the world’s oldest leader, third African longest-serving leaders, a liberation-war-hero and his holding seven degrees but he has become the ugly face of state and turned a tyrant. The most fearful leader, 92-Year-Old, the suave, eloquent and educated stand as Robert Gabriel Mugabe alies Uncle Bob, who today it does not seem he will give up power any time soon and taking Zimbabwe with him to the grave. They say real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. Also, it is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. Now Zimbabwe at 36, yet still one president since it gained independence from British Colonial rule on April 18th 1980 and young ones have known only one leader ANGEL GABRIEL. Having prophesied 60-years-ago by an aged and a mysterious leader of secretive apostolic sect, who today has gone missing that Zimbabwe, would be ruled by a man with the name of an angel, Gabriel. Madzibaba W

UPND’S PETITION: A “Bantu Botatwe,” way

…PEOPLE need to be told the truth, the problem experienced in 2016 August Polls, especially at the counting process by the ECZ. The UPND under Hakainde Hichilema has regrouped his party under the “Bantu Botatwe,” these being Tongas, Lenjes, Lambas and Northwesterners. All have said it all that fraud and corruption. Even though they have showed Zambian how to vote nicely like in Southern province, Kalomo district virtually DUNDUMWEZI constituency, were Lungu got an embarrassing votes of 253 against the baby bull HH with 30,810. Imagine the total votes cast were 31,707 and rejected ones 451 are more than what Lungu got. It seems like we are living in a world full of things that can lead you astray without you realising their impact of your life. Voting abuse is ruining the lives of young people in our country. Its sad see our brothers and sisters voting on the tribal-line because “wako ni wako” Lets remove this line, take Zambia seriously and focus on building a br


….INDEED our parents gave us pennies when we did chores around the house. Some of us would do odd jobs to get pocket money and we grew up knowing that everyone had to earn their money. More than 50 years now into democracy and freedom, we have become a nation that demands everything for free from the state. We get angry when our expectations are not met. We wrongfully believe that our votes are supposed to bring us everything on a silver platter. But our votes only allow us the opportunities to create a decent living ourselves. Unless we change our attitude and start sweating for our money, we will sink in poverty. walu-B AN ACTIVIST

ALCOHOL: can’t solve our problem

…IN MY recent visit to Zambia, I was left in awe, after discovering that a lot of young people spent a lot time in booze. Not blaming them because too I have been a victim before. No amount of alcohol is enough to wash away the problem we encounter in life. The bitterness of circumstances we regrettably find ourselves in can’t be turned sweet by the better waters of Babylon. It’s a pity that so many of us still seek refuge in the better stuff whenever life gets hard. Traditionally, men are not supposed to cry or ask for help. People have learnt to try and deal with life’s problems by self-medicating. When you lose your job or get divorced, what easier way to deal with it than to drown your sorrows in booze? Taking about it can also be tough, but it’s better than getting drunk and feeling bad afterwards. Don’t hide your problems, rather say you need help and tackle life without fear, it’s better than the bottle. Not every tea bag is everyone’s cup of tea…. Yout

99 jobs

THE 99 JOBS… GONE ARE the days when people would move from one job to the other. Today, competition is too high obtaining a degree is no longer a guarantee that you will be employed. Every year, millions of students graduate from universities but they do not find work after so many years of hard work. One of the biggest setbacks and downfalls in our lives is being too scared to innovate and wheel our ideas, dreams and endeavors into motion. What will happen if we all sit down, fold our arms and blame our current situations? We will all be failures and nobody. Life should never be viewed as a problem, but as a challenge. Life is never a bed of roses; it’s a thorny, curvy and tricky journey. Life is just like a kite; it needs to be flown. Life is just like a wheelbarrow; it needs to be pushed. It’s all within our attitudes as long as your heart believes you will conceives it and your body says, yes I can. The sky is the limit. Stand up, raise your hand and be c


. IF married people can cheat, we should doubt, if a simple romantic relationships breaks up, we should be live in awe.There is a disgusting trend that many of us cheats on our romantic partners and have the guts to boast about it. Cheating is an emotionally draining activity that fails to provide any joy that lasts. Cheating is of one main ways to contract and spread HIV.It also causes conflict that often results in domestic violence and divorce. Cheating turns a happy and healthy family into a dysfunctional one. Some men are leaving their children’s mothers to start new relationships elsewhere. Cheating on your partner means you are a pretender who no longer values the LOVE that brought you together. You start to compare your partner with your secret lover. Our relationships go smoothly until one partner decides to bring a third party between us. Although you can fool your partner into believing you are faithful, you certainly cannot fool your emotions. To arch

UPND's shameful lost

ALL’S NOT LOST FOR UPND…  AFTER losing the general elections to the previous AND new government the Patriotic Front (PF), the United Party for National Development (UPND) didn’t show any political maturity at all. As the biggest, longest and most successful opposition party in Zambia, UPND members should have shown that losing to the PF was not the end of the world but they took the matter to the court thinking that they will pull through from the lose. The same PF lost several times in the previous general elections but the founder and late president Michael Sata (R.I.P) told his people to remain tranquil not until he was elected with big margin. We are a democratic country and elections are part of that. I was expecting Guy Scott to advice HH like what he did his best to Sata, but he absent HH losing more money to his lawyers during petition. It’s time for the party to go back to the drawing board, rather than behaving like there is no losing any game

Coach Chicken

GEORGE-CHICKEN AS GOOD AS CHOPPED… DOES FAZ believe him? Following the damp squid against Kenya at our home ground, the 45,000 capacity Levy Mwanawasa stadium, one would blame the Football Association of Zambia if would fire George ‘chicken’ Lwandamina. As thing stand, one does not need to be a rocket scientist to conclude and suggest that chicken be excused from his contract to avoid further embarrassment in 2018 Russia world cup qualifier starting next month. Chipolopolo failed to win the championship of African nations and failed to make it to the 2017 AfCON Gabon. Honestly, it is about chicken wielded the axe and use the big broom that sweeps clean. Making thing worse in football will just cut soccer lovers from watching football than watching the might Kitwe derby Nkana and Power. I would be lying to the nation if I said I was happy. No one is actually happy. I leave it there.   # ChickenShouldBeEaten Walu Soccer lover


SARAH SHALL HAVE A SON….   IS anything too hard for the Lord? In the book of Genesis, God made a promise to Abraham and his wife Sarah that they would have a boy child in their old age. According to scientific evidence, it is not possible to conceive and bear a child because Abraham was about 90 while Sarah was in her 80’s. Regardless of this condition, god still visited this family and told them that they were going to be the first couple in the history to conceive at such an age. Today, if your life has been characterized by some form of barrenness, just remember Samson was once defeated and experienced shame. But when God remembered him, his hair grew again and his strength was restored. As in my writing, I decree restoration of all that is best in your life in Christ Jesus name. MY PRAYER: “in the name of Jesus Christ, I declare by the word of god that you are breaking through.” Every shame in you shall be removed by the bloody of Jesus.   # Sa


THE STORY: Behind 'Rastafari' OF LATE, I was watching a documentary directed by Sonia Anderson and produced in 2007. Now during my childhood, if anything associated with smoking weed the first things that used to come in my mind was Rastafarian and Jamaica. Yet again, there is most noted person behind spreading message of Rastafarian via Reggie music. He still remain a figure of the 20th century, he died three-and-a-half decades ago. He was born from a white father and a bl ack mother.  He still stands as Bob Marley, his Rastafarian beliefs and life experiences shaped him and ultimately, the music revered by millions of people around the world. But, why Rastafarian? November 2, 1930, Tafari Makonnen was crowned emperor of Ethiopian with baptismal name Haile Salassie. There and then, Rastafari was derived from Haile Salassie’s name; it is a conflation of RAS, the title given to Amharic royalty in Ethiopia and Tafari, his pre-coronation name. Yet, Bob’


Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Sata MISSED: ZAMBIAN PRESIDENTS PASSED AWAY, BUT LEFT MARKS IN OUR HEARTS. By walusungu silweya, Braamfontein, Johannesburg. MILLIONS of Zambian may not have had a personal encounter with these celebrated presidents but nevertheless they left a footprint in their hearts. Mitch Albom reminds us that death ends a life, not a relationship. Indeed as kwacha magazine we take a look at these people. Dr Chiluba Frederick Jacob Titus Chiluba (Born: April 30, 1943, Kitwe, Zambia –Dead: June 18, 2011, LusakaZambia Our first was second republican president of Zambia since it got independence. Chiluba was personable man with oratorical gifts. He was the first democratically elected President of Zambia in 1991 after ending 27years of Kenneth Kaunda’s rule with nearly 76 percent of the votes. Indeed he was a defender of civil liberties. Chiluba was a born-again Christian and often used biblical references in his speeches. He was also a passionate advocat


THEY SAY blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for their is the kingdom of heaven. Today, the  macabre killing of National Institute for Public Administration (NIPA) student Ruth Mbandu sent chills in the spines of many. It was an unusual slaying of the 19-year-old that shocked many people who have been wanting to see justice served and the killers caged. Ruth then a student at renowned Zambia’s National Institute of Public Administration N.I.P.A was gruesomely murdered. The murder of Ruth shocked Zambian especially given the highly bizarre circumstances surrounding it. At the moment in my journalism career, still astonish with the death of Ruth then my neighbour at Evelyn Hone College. She was a young woman, full of zest and hopes her dreams yet to be fulfilled. Those behind her murdered get their just deserts. For your information, High Court judge Chalwe Muchenga acquitted Edward Siandima, 28, and Collins Kasiye Sooma, 20, of Ruthâ s murder citi


Braamfontein, Johannesburg.SA. IN 2011 , over 2,000,000 Egyptians gathered for days at Cairo governorate’s square El-Tahrir, the center stage of the Egyptian Revolution bringing Hosni Mubarak’s government to a grinding halt.  This is following his 29-year-reign as head of office.  The result of the forthright collective voice was remarkable and through the revolution. Egypt finally held democratic elections to replace Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi was elected president. Today, this is referred to a power monger or clinging to power .   Since 2011, Africa has experienced ups and downs in terms of politics via ballot box. The simmering political situation in a tiny country in the Great Lakes region is a reminder to all that we should learn from brothers and sisters in Burundi.  Since their president Pierre Nkurunziza was returned to power for a third term by a limited pool of voters, over 400 deaths in a political violence have been reported and more than 200,000 Burun