Nevers Mumba vs Martin Luther King Jr


By walusungu silweya,


THEY SAY Pastors, Bishops and other church leaders should not go into politics because church and politics cannot mix.

Nevers Mumba

Nevers Mumba was attacked over this issue and accused him of abandoning the pulpit even though he still preach all over the world.

Now, what is the difference between Nevers Mumba and Martin Luther king Jr? Martin had a dream that a black person will enter White House whereas Nevers maybe had   a dream that a pastor will enter State House.
In point of fact, this has come to pass. Nevers became vice president in President Levy Mawanawasa’s regime whereas Barack Obama ruling America.

At any rate, Nevers and Martin are coming from vicar  leadership of a church. Both went into politics whilst are preachers.

We have many other examples of Christian leaders getting involved in politics at many levels such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa who tirelessly fought Apartheid. The first President of independent Zimbabwe under Prime Minister Robert Mugabe was Canaan Banana, a Bishop.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Imagine how different our history of the world would be if Reverend Martin Luther king Jr,  who headed the American Civil Rights Movement was silenced simply because he was a preacher.

But it is starting to hear calls that suggest that Nevers can’t be a president because he left a podium in a church. Now should he stay out of politics? I don't know!

How can this be? Whose is he? Is the church not the people or him? Is our democracy not for all? Do the million in the church  not cast their votes?

Just within Zambia, we had Rev Danny Pule who is a Pastor heading a political party and wanted to run for President. There is Rev Gladys Nyirongo, Stan Kristafor and Ronnie Shikapwasha who were all in political leadership.

Are people in church leadership not the very people who are governed by the laws of politics? Do they not need services from government of politics?

James A. Garfield was a preacher, teacher, and lawyer who became the 20th President of the United States. John Bani, an Anglican priest was President and head of the State of Vanuatu.

Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a Catholic priest was President of Haiti. Fernando Arturo de Meriño, another Catholic leader was President of the Dominican Republic and so forth.  

We should desist from discouraging Nevers Mumba from active participation in mattes of national importance or to limit him with his role.

Yes, the question might of whether a Pastor can be a political leader that has been debated for a long time in Zambia with many people saying that politics is dirty and is only for corrupt people.

They say Pastors are supposed to be too “pure” to enter politics. Yet the same people complain after they elect corrupt leaders to run the country as happened in 2011.

The church particularly the christian church represent millions of people in society. Their million of voices cannot be silenced by draconian attitudes.

The church must not be aloof or ignorant of what is happening on our country. Ultimately politics affects us all. This is just my opinion don't blame me.

                        The author is an African and youth Activist, Advocate And Ambassador. His also founder and CEO of Twin-care Forum Foundation.

walusungu silweya.
Cell: +27078239444


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