
Showing posts from February, 2020


WITHOUT music, life indeed, would be a mistake. Hence, to be a civilian citizen of the world is to think beyond borders, through gleaning knowledge from an environment and the people surrounds you because you are not limited like soldiers. Whilst, Zambian music is striving to develop with critical thinking skills and understanding to make a difference across the globe, the Kabwe-Born identical twin brothers spurts music career that trotting the globe. Therefore, there is nothing deserted much like listening to music that really makes your heart sink. The D2 ride you into afro world. Thus, who are the D2? D2 is a musical duo comprising of two identical twin-brothers with birth names; Dennis and Derick Mulongoti. They have worked up to being musicians on a professional level in 2005. The duo’s debuted album was released in 2008 and featured acts like K’Millian, B-Flow, Tommy D, Bob Muli and a lot more notable names in contemporary Zambian music. As they always say mu


ITS in our hand as Twins Plus Foundation to tell the young generation that our founding father, the first president of Zambia, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda is not only our hero or someone who struggled during difficult times for peace Zambian are enjoying today. But he’s father of fraternal twins (boy-girl), Kambarange Mpundu Kaunda and Cheswa Kaunda Silwezya. We have a part as well to play in ensuring that our Tata’s memory never fades while his alive. Tata, we salute you by us twins in Zambia and the world at large, even though, we were not there during that time of struggle, nevertheless, history bikes you and your friends that you didn't design to peruse for your personal gains. That's why today, we rewrite to appreciate you not when you are no more. Since dead people receive more flowers than the living because regret is stronger than gratitude. Therefore, Tata we seek the flowers of blessings from you. Perhaps, you were meant to be the president i


RAISED up from a humble homes and determined to make a difference in the world, they use social media to unite twins and serve humanity in a meaningful way through their activism and advocating for twins.   Linked by a bond that went beyond friendship. This engage the myths surrounding twins, parenting twins and the special bond that exists among twins or triplets or more. Twins shares endless experience as a twin with the warm comfort t hat comes from having someone who understands your deepest thoughts and feelings. Twins Plus Foundation is about twin bond, once established, endures throughout the lives of twins and most importantly how twins have used this bond to understand other's pain which transcend from their own to extend care and support to others less fortunate in the society. As a twin also founders we describes the inexplicable void we felt after losing our parents at young age, our own expressions of grief for our parent’s death. Pain, healing and hope are


IF it were a novel set anywhere Copperbelt Province, Mufulira dwellers might consider them as their ‘Iron ladies’ of the metropolis. But critics might have stretched credulity for the identical twins breaking or splitting into Christian values of one being a Seventh-Day Adventist and other Pentecostal member. Nevertheless, there believes still remains antics and far-fetched after all in Christian communities but they have won the respect and hearts of people. Born Chipapa Bowa and Chongo Bowa, raised and educated in Mufulira with a five-minutes apart who have testified their parents conceals regardless of being orphaned twins. The term ‘Child-parent’ was a new to them after losing their mother in 2011, whose was a Mine Police Office, a teacher and accountant by professional. Hence, six-years down the line, their father, also answered the Lords call after suffering from stroke and diabetes. Their testimonies give a glimpse into their lifestyle of a Christian child up br


FROM time to time, twins are inseparable. In a special layer, Chelsi Welch recapped us that they are not just sisters and twins. They are best friends, and they care genuinely about each other. But how did they land or taken the same moot path most of their lives? Taonga and Tasiya Banda, are convinced that being twins is a big reason both want to be medical practitioners and work together on same atmosphere. The pastor’s kids are determined to be distinct personalities and for the world to see them that way. While they went together to kinder-garden in 2007 at Lusaka’s kiine school, they pursued to Mumana Primary School from 2014 to 2015 and in 2018 clapped secondary school at Munali Girls with certificates.  The 19-year-old twins embraced the chance not to make separate friends, and liked the fact that, as youngest twin Tasiya puts it, “we have never been separated before but only one night in our life time.”  They insist on preserving the health sector bec