
Showing posts from November, 2016


“blood is thicker than water” About The Foundation STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Lusungu Anemia Foundation is dedicated to serving people afflicted with various forms of thalassemia, most notably the major form of this genetic blood disease, anemia major. MISSION Our mission is advancing the help and cure for this fatal blood disease, enhancing the quality of life of patients and donating blood.. HISTORY It was then a student journalist in his second year at college fallen in love with a beautiful girl who was suffering from this fatal blood disease. Since then its touched him and remembering that they are people who deserve to loved just like that. Lusungu Anemia Foundation, a nonprofit organization , was formed after his name which means “mercy”. 2016 it has been a strong and supportive partner for individuals living with anemia. Although its has four members but welcomes more to join and support.. ABOUT THE FOUNDER Walusungu Silweya is a founder and y


MAHATMA Gandhi once said : “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Because your Christians are so unlike your Christ..” this is so true that many Christians are so unlike Christ.  Dear friends, I write this to you so that you will not sin. “1 Corinthians 1:25. The foolishness of God is wiser than that of men and the weakness of God is stronger than that of men. There is no shortcut to spiritual maturity unless earthly understa nding gives way to spiritual enlightenment.” Nobody is talking about the orphanages he feeds, nobody is talking about the thousands of poor people he feeds, nobody is talking about the many prophecies he got right, nobody is talking about the good he’s done for mankind. All we see is people excited that he didn’t get one prophecy correct. Well did the same people get excited when he got a thousands of prophecies right? Do Muslims talk against their Prophets or talk against one another like what is happening us Christians? undo


Andrew Hezron Phiri IN 1991, Zambia was pregnant with hope; the birth pains of new democracy dispensation had became strong. As president Kaunda’s one party rule was fast coming to an end as discontent over his 27-year hold on power swept the nation like wildfire. Not long ago at a prestigious juncture, a man with small stature weighs 42 kilograms and 1.4 feet tall has risen from the dead, who became one of the Zambia’s most charismatic leaders stand out as an inspirational tale of man’s journey from struggles to glory. A nice and handsome face, he became most well spoken student to ever walk through palatial gates of graduands at the Fourth Graduation Ceremony of the Zambia Institute of Mass Communication alies ZAMCOM. Unpredictably, his 23 year old. Flashing his right hand, speedy but majestic walk he took to the podium. But the audience thought he dead five years ago (2011), his walk to the podium edified that the statesman is risen from the dead because his wit and charm m